Sounds great, how do I get Languages at Lunch in my company?
Languages at Lunch aims to help employees of all types of organisations fit language learning into their busy lives. By giving employees the opportunity to learn a language at lunchtime, companies can show how they value the development of their people, whilst at the same time enhancing their global presence.
We can also work with Business Park Management to offer on-site language classes to employees from a range of companies.
It costs nothing to get involved and the cost of the courses themselves can be paid by the organisation, the employee or a combination of both.
Having registered your interest, we like to talk to you about promoting Languages at Lunch to all of your employees. We then usually run a survey with interested staff to find out which languages and levels are most appropriate. With a survey completed, it is then a simple case of organising a few internal logistics and away we go.
Languages at Lunch do all of the administration so that the company is not involved with any extra work in giving its employees such a great learning opportunity.
❝One language sets you in a corridor for life. Two languages open every door along the way.❞Frank Smith